Thursday, April 25, 2013

Night Owls Unite!

For the past three nights this week...I've been up so late that I've debated just not sleeping at all! It would be so easy to blame being on the computer as the reason that I have stayed up all night, but two nights ago I wasn't on the computer...I was up with my husband watching tv. At the moment I can't think of what I was doing last night that cause me to stay up so long. My close friends will tell you that usually it doesn't take much of anything for me to get to sleep. Yep, I'm one of those rare and lucky people that are usually asleep before the head and pillow meet. However, the downside to that is most often if I can't get myself to want to go to sleep it simply won't happen (which is really what happened tonight...I just chose to make the most of my time and work on my blog and uploading pictures and finally getting all these pictures off my phone!)

Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America

So in the event that you find yourself up all night and you really need to get some beauty sleep, try a few of these tips to see if the sandman will come:
1.) Get some reading done. Sometimes curling up in bed with a good book will help you get to sleep.

2.) Take a warm shower at least thirty mins before you want to go to sleep. Cooling down from the shower will help give your body the signal that it is time to sleep.

3.) Try not to eat anything or have anything to drink other than water at least three hours before you want to go to sleep. (I know this one isn't always easy to follow, but try to limit the caffeine intake in the hours before bedtime)
4.) Drink a warm glass of milk. (This one has never worked for me...but you never know)
5.)  Play some soft music. Like classical music before you crawl into bed
6.) Turn off everything that puts off light. Studies have shown that people sleep longer and better in darker rooms. If you simply can't imagine turning off your phone, at the very least leave it face down so it you do get a random text during the night it won't light up your room.

7.) If you find yourself staring into the darkness and can't seem to get to sleep, start daydreaming. I know this one is really hit or miss but it does work for me. I've started thinking about remolding the basement and turning it into a studio apartment. Imagined myself in a nice gown trying to waltz around a ballroom. For the most part, I've found that daydreams that don't really take much of an effort work very well for me and do help me get to sleep when I'm having trouble with it.

Some things the internet had to say, a few of these I've mentioned but they list more:

Forbes: reasons why you can't sleep
Prevention: 10 reasons you can't sleep

Did one of my tips work for you? Do you have the perfect trick to bring on sleep? I want to know! Make sure to leave your tips or comments below cause I would love to hear from you. May you have a great night of sleep readers!

I shall end with this cute pic!

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