Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Originally, I was planning to make at least one blog entry a week. That was going to be my minimum goal. If I had time for more...that was just going to be a lovely plus. Sorry for the delay, but I'm back and ready to get back to blogging!

 I told myself that I wasn't going to make this blog completely about me and just tell the world my entire life, but after the last few weeks I've decided that I want to share a little with you in the hopes that I can give you some helpful advice without the pain.

On Monday (the 4th) I drove to my hometown to visit with my family. When I got to the house, I found out that my uncle had passed in his sleep while taking an afternoon nap. So I spent the week being there for my family. It isn't easy on anyone when a family member passes (or a close friend), and I saw a lot of pain. The loss of a father, husband, uncle, brother, grandfather, and for so many people... a friend. Watching people embrace and talk about how it had been too long since the last time they had talked. People talking about how they had planned to come by and visit with my uncle and sorry that they lost the chance to. One of my uncles hugged my dad so tightly that he seemed to come off the ground, and reminded him that they are brothers and they need to spend more time together. Listening to my dad talk about how he always says that he'll come visit but never does, that he's always working or fixing something and time just seems to slip past. My dad's words really got me thinking about how often we all rely on tomorrow...

 First off, I want to say that I'm going to try and not be depressing or on my soapbox but I hope that this really makes you think. To start, think about the day you just had. At any point did you think about someone that you haven't seen in a while? How about a friend that you haven't talked to since he/she started working, got in a relationship, had a kid, excreta?  Did that thought follow with a "I'll call him/her tomorrow"? How often do you make the statement "We need to get together soon" without really thinking of when soon is going to be? I know that life gets in the way...there's work, school, kids, you can pretty much fill in the blank with any of the important things that responsible people have. Is it really ok that you just let friends and family members slip through the cracks of time? Trust me, I'm as guilty as the next girl but after seeing family that I haven't seen in years...I've been reminded that I need to put more effort into my relationships with the people that mean the most to me.

 So here's a simple enough thing to do. Make a list of all the people that mean something to you (they don't have to be in any specific order) and simply go through your list in a two week period and send them a text, send them a message on facebook, email, call. The point is just to get back in touch, let him/her know what's going on in your life and hopefully you can lead up to making plans to meet up and spend some time together. You can always meet up for lunch/dinner/ brunch/drinks. Catch a movie (If you're close to a Carmike Cinemas, they offer a cheaper movie ticket if you go between 4-5). Maybe you can simply invite friends over for dinner. My main point is simple and something I'm sure you've heard most of your life (I know I have). Our time on this planet is get out there and make the most of it! Don't take your friends for granted!

So I'm starting here with you dear reader. Thank you for spending this time with me and being here while I start this blog in the hopes of it leading me to something I could be decent at (or great...only time will really tell).  I'm going to work harder on making sure that my friends know that they mean a lot to me and in two weeks time I will post a follow up and let you know how this worked out for me. If I'm lucky, you'll let me know how this worked out for you!

Now I leave you with something to make you smile (it cracks me up at least!)

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