Thursday, January 17, 2013

Goals for 2013

Welcome 2013! I know the first thing you must be thinking is "January is more than half way over. So why are you acting like the new year just started?" Well I don't feel that you have to put all of your goals for the year in motion on the very first day of the year. I'm going to borrow from a book that I'm currently reading where she mentions that it's almost foolish to start anything on Jan 1st since you're most likely up and drinking on Dec 31st and that spills into the first of the year. So if you were planning to cut out drinking, you're already off to a bad start. Which makes perfect sense if you ask me, since I spent most of New Years Day watching football! Personally, 2012 was pretty epic and really raised the bar for 2013. I had some great personal moments, like getting married and going to my very first UGA game. There were some down times as well, but I'm not going to speak of anything negative at the moment. 2012 also had a lot to offer in entertainment. There were some great new shows, movies, books, and some awesome bands getting back in the studio to save us from some of the horrible nonsense that comes on the radio these days (but I shall expand on that later on). So in the spirit of the new year, here are my personal goals. I don't care for calling them resolutions because that seems to imply that these are things I don't fully plan to do. I know that seven is quite a bit, but a few of them blend together so I think it's accomplish-able to complete all of my goals this year! Here they are:

1.) Start a blog. I know I said this last year, but I never really started it. So top priority this year! It's something that I've thought about for a while now, and I think I have a real direction to go in now. I'm hoping that my blog doesn't get super girly...but odds are it just might. Then again...I'm pretty geeky so who knows what I'm going to talk about most!

2.) Spend more time with the people that mean the most to me. Last year was hectic and rough in places...but this year isn't going to be like that. I'm going to be there for my family as well as my friends as much as possible! So start planning girl days and saving up for two UGA games this year!

3.) Read more. I borrowed a book from a dear friend that sat unread for an entire year before I even picked it up. Granted, she's just happy that I'm reading her books but that's just nonsense. So this year I'm going to at least read a book a month...which is more than attainable and leads to my next goal!

4.) Start a book club with friends that love to read. It's ok to start out small...if the group takes off, we'll be able to add more people over time! Also incorporate book club into blog which is going to lead to more time with my friends...and of course more reading!

5.) Look more like an adult. I know this one seems silly...but I never wear makeup unlike most women my age and I think its time that I start. Not because I think it'll make me pretty. I just feel I may be taken more seriously in the adult world if I look a bit more like the part. So no more going out with wet or frizzy hair, no chipped nails, and at the very least some lipstick when I leave the house!

6.) Take more pictures. I was looking at my picture albums on the computer and I have like five to eight folders for every year except 2011 and 2012. Somewhere along the way, I started slowing down on my picture taking and that just can't stand. I love taking pictures and I plan to fully decorate my house with my own photos. No store bought pictures of flowers for us! I know this is one that the husband isn't going to be super excited about...but he'll get over it soon enough...

7.) Get a better grip on money. I'm not terrible at money management...but I haven't done the best job at saving money either. So that's a big goal for 2013 is to start adding to my savings account. Simple enough!

As the year goes on, I will talk about each one and how I think this has helped me be the person that I imagine myself to be. I hope that you come with me on this journey and who knows? Maybe I'll teach you a few things this year!

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